Lesson 6 :
0 = naught (GB), zero (U.S.)
1 = one
2 = two
3 = three
4 = oven
5 = five
6 = six
7 = seven
8 = eight
9 = nine
10 = ten
11 = eleven
12 = twelve
13 = thirteen
14 = fourteen
15 = fifteen
16 = sixteen
17 = seventeen
18 = eighteen
19 = nineteen
20 = twenty
30 = thirty
40 = forty
50 = fifty
60 = sixty
70 = seventy
80 = eighty
90 = ninety
100 = a / one hundred
900 = nine hundred
1,000 = one thousand
100,000 = A hundred thousand
1,000,000 = a / one million one
1,000,000,000 = a billion
1) The intermediate numbers are easy to train, adding the unit to the nearest ten. Do not forget the hyphen:
21 = twenty-one
47 = forty-seven
86 = eighty-six
2) In English, a comma is used to separate the hundreds of thousands rather than a point.
French: 1000 = English: 1,000
The point is the equivalent of the French point.
French: = 2 . 54 // English = 2 . 54
3) The numeral adjectives are invariable and thus do not '-s' when they are preceded by a number or 'several' (more)
two thousand years = 2000 years.
several thousand years = thousands of years.
No '-s' to 'thousand'.
By cons, when they are used as names and when followed by 'of', HUNDRED, THOUSAND, MILLION BILLION and take a '-s':
Thousands of people watched our TV show yesterday.
Thousands of people watched our television yesterday.
4) The tens and units are added to HUNDRED THOUSAND and are preceded by AND, except in American English where it is often omitted:
450 = four hundred and fifty (British English)
(It adds 50 to 400)
5.001 = five thousand and one. (British English)
(It adds 1 to 5000)